It turns out that I am not the best at hosting a yard sale.
We had a big, neighborhood-wide sale this weekend and there were probably 50 homes in the area who participated. It was so great to have the whole community out on our front steps and have so many fun visitors come to shop amongst the items we were letting go of.
Don't get me wrong, I had so much fun at our sale... and we made over $200! But I still did not feel prepared for our buyers. We thought that getting set up an hour before the official start time would be good enough, but just as we were bringing items out from the garage, we had two vans of people pull up ready to shop. They literally bought HALF of all our stuff 45 minutes before we were ready!
Even with the cash in my pocket, all I could think about was that I wished that I had time to lay out all of our stuff in themed sections. I mean, really?! No one else cared! It must have been my years of working in retail and my unconscious need to line things up in an orderly fashion. I just couldn't believe that our shoppers wanted to dig through the piles and bags of stuff before I could perfectly present it to them.
So, the lesson is this: Be FULLY set up for your yard sale an hour before you advertised. Grab these colorful price stickers that are already printed. And mostly, let go of trying to make it all perfect- focus instead on how good it feels to let go. I have to say that the extra space we have in our home and garage is just lovely!