HELP! I have E-Clutter!
Yup, Electronic Clutter....
and despite my efforts to clear out my inbox, the emails keep piling up.
Lately, I have been just ignoring the problem by closing my laptop and pretending it doesn't exist. But this can't go on much longer. It weighs on me, just like a cramped closet or an overflowing junk drawer. It makes me stressed out and uneasy.
So, it's time to be brutal and clear it out! Here is my action plan:
1. Unsubscribe to email alerts from stores and websites
(except for Anthropologie and See Jane Work!)
2. Carve out 20 minutes every day for the next week to read old emails
3. Make lists: To Call, To Email, To Do (personal and business)
4. Reward myself when I'm done!
Anyone else have a problem with E-Clutter? What do you do to keep it under control?
I used to have this problem but did the unsubscribe route and its so much better now! It takes a while for the emails to stop but it sure was worth it!