Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Hello everyone!  
I just got back from a wonderful trip to Washington DC visiting family and celebrating the holidays.  
It was such a fun trip, and not too chilly.  Yay! 

Festive decorations at the White House
Adorable name cards for our interfaith family
Our stockings stuffed with goodies!
Cozy Wine Glass Slippers

We spent the last five days snuggling with our new nephew, eating delicious food (and lots of sweets!), and exploring the city.  It was a great trip, but I always try to make some notes about what worked and didn't work.  Remember my Thanksgiving Wrap Up?  
Well, here's my Holiday Wrap Up: 

1. When traveling across the country with gifts, try not to buy bulky items that are hard to pack.
2. The gift totes I bought from Michael's worked perfectly for fast and easy wrapping.
3. Uggs are great for traveling to cold weather locations and so easy to slip on and off at security.
4. Make notes about gifts right away so that I don't forget anything when writing my thank you's.
5. Bring more travel space bags for sweatshirts and other bulky items in my suitcase.

Now that the holidays are coming to an end, I have lots of clients who are looking to streamline their gift wrap stash and re-work their decor storage.  I would encourage all of you to evaluate these areas now, so that next year you can spend less time dealing with holiday messes and more time eating holiday cupcakes... I mean spending time with family.  :-)

(photo credit: smswigart)

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