Tuesday, April 19, 2011

De-Clutter Your Mind

Do you ever feel like there are a million things swirling around in your head making you feel completely overwhelmed?  Well, I feel like that A LOT.  I do my best to make lists and to get things done, but I inevitably have those moments when I just feel like it's all too much.

I had one of those moments the other day and instead of walking around the house in circles while I stressed out about my life, I got my butt out the door and into a yoga class.  And as I moved from downward dog to pigeon to a seated twist, I noticed that my mind was feeling less cluttered and I had more space in that little head of mine.  I felt so grateful for that time that I had just spent on ME, and when I got home I actually felt like those endless lists were a little bit easier to tackle.  Yay!

My dearest friend, Nina, during her yoga training at the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health
Even if you can't touch your toes, just find a class where you can sit and breathe... I promise you that you will feel less cluttered.  For those lucky ducks who live in the Boston area, go take one of Nina's wonderful classes!  And for all of you, check out her delightful blog at Naturally Nina



  1. Woohoo! thanks for the shout out my dear! :)

  2. Of course, my lovely blog guru!!

  3. I love this post!!! I've only started my yoga practice but already feel like I'm reaping the benefits!

    P.S. Let's move to Boston just so we can take Nina's classes ;-)

  4. Do it!!! I'll be your personal yoga teacher :)
